If you want to convert 2D Blu-ray to 3D M2TS for viewing on your 3D devices, just use DVDFab 2D to 3D Converter and DVDFab Blu-ray Ripper to do this. Everything is easy, including 3D customization. Next let’s have a look at how to do the conversion professionally with DVDFab.


Step 1: Start up DVDFab 9, choose Ripper option, and load in the 2D Blu-ray source

Start up DVDFab 9, choose Ripper option, and you’ll see the main interface of Ripper. Now introduce the 2D Blu-ray you want to convert into DVDFab. After it’s in, the longest movie title is auto selected with audio tracks and subtitles changeable.


Step 2: Choose a profile

Open Profile box to navigate to 3D Format to choose a profile for M2TS format (DVDFab 2D to 3D Converter is active now).


Step 3: Set 3D format and effect

Click Advanced Settings button on the main interface, then go to 3D tab to set 3D format and effect. And you can also switch to Video tab and Audio tab to set video and audio parameters.


By the way, you can click Edit button on the main interface to open Video Effect window to resize and crop image for display.


Step 4: Start conversion

Hit Start button to start conversion. And all detailed progress info can be monitored.


OK. Done. More info about DVDFab 2D to 3D Converter, please go to: https://www.dvdfab.cn/2d-to-3d-converter.htm